Flowers Into Art: Floral Motifs in European Painting and Decorative Arts артикул 2336a.
Flowers Into Art: Floral Motifs in European Painting and Decorative Arts артикул 2336a.

Редактор: Vibeke Woldbye For centuries flowers have been a popular motif in various branches of art Their sheer beauty, whether or not combined with symbolic meaning, continues to serve as an inexhaustible source of inspiration for countless artists The use of flower motifs in art often coincided with developments in the field of botany овбъи Thus the emergence of botany as a precise science in the sixteenth century and the resulting botanical works led to the genesis of a new genre in painting, the flower still life Thanks to the classification system developed by Linnaeus in the eighteenth century all plants could be named; gardens were laid out, flowers became fashionable and roses in particular made their appearance on clothing, silver, furniture and ceramics Flowers continued to remain a favourite motif as is witnessed by the romantic expressions in the Biedermeier period or the 'natural' ornaments of Art Nouveau Flowers play a role in our time as well, from the banal examples in Pop Art to symbols of love during the Flower Power period Издание на английском языке Иллюстрации.  Сборник составленИздательство: Sdu Pablishers, 1991 г Мягкая обложка, 208 стр ISBN 9061791405.