Michelangelo (Rizzoli Art Classics) артикул 2317a.
Michelangelo (Rizzoli Art Classics) артикул 2317a.

Book Description This pioneering art series combines stunning high-quality color reproductions with expert commentary on the most popular artists of all time at an extremely accessible price Giotto, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Botticelli, and Vermeer are names well known to any student of art history, museumgoer, or culturally овбчф engaged individual Rizzoli is pleased to launch its Classics of Art series with monographs on these six world-renowned painters, whose signature styles and sheer genius continue to inspire both scholars and lay people to this day Often regarded as the founder of traditional European painting, Giotto revolutionized the way artists interpreted the human condition at the turn of the fourteenth century Raphael,Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo each brought Renaissance notions of humanism to unparalleled heights Botticelli's poetic delicacy created a magical world in which allegory and idealism are reflected Vermeer's light-infused elegies on the everyday are some of the most exquisite paintings in the history of Western art Each book in this series features a literary introduction and thoroughly researched essay followed by a section devoted to a detailed description of a selection of the artist's masterpieces An extensive chronology of the artist's life and important historical events of his era as well as a compilation of remarks by famous historians, modern and old, add cultural perspective and insight into each painter's stylistic development A visual chart with captions as to the whereabouts of every painting and a concise bibliography with suggested further reading provide invaluable research tools With authoritative text by leading art historians from around the globe, these lavishly illustrated editions provide fresh insights into the art and lives of the most brilliant artists in the history of painting No matter what your knowledge of art history, this series will compel you to explore a world of art beyond the canvas.  2005 г 192 стр ISBN 0847826783.

Carpaccio артикул 2319a.
Carpaccio артикул 2319a.

Carpaccio was the greatest early Renaissance narrative painter of the Venetian school - and this illuminating study by Peter Humfrey ably demonstrates the truth of this statement Little is known of Vittore Carpaccio's early life, only that he was born sometime between 1455 and 1460 The dominant influences on his early work were those of Gentile овбчы Bellini and Antonello da Messina His first known works do not appear until 1490, the date on one of the canvases in the cycle illustrating the legend of St Ursula for the Scuola di Santa Orsola In these celebrated works he emerged as a mature artist of originality, revealing a gift for organisation, narrative skill, and a masterly command of light Carpaccio died some time between 1523 and 1525 and was subsequently neglected for many centuries He was rediscovered in the nineteenth century, when his precise rendering of architecture and the luminous atmosphere of his paintings were praised by the English critic John Ruskin Автор Peter Humfrey.  Издательство: Chaucer Press, 2005 г Твердый переплет, 144 стр ISBN 1904449336.

История моей голубятни артикул 2321a.
История моей голубятни артикул 2321a.

Прижизненное издание Первое издание! Москва-Ленинград, 1926 год ЗИФ Земля и фабрика Оригинальная обложка Сохранность хорошая Следы реставрации Легкие временные пятна Исаак овбшж Эммануилович Бабель (1894-1940) - русский писатель, "великий одессит", мастер диалога и стилизации В его новеллах с фантастическим реализмом переплетено лирическое и ироническое, высокое и низкое, любовь и ненависть, смешное и страшное Рассказы И Э Бабеля переведены более чем на 20 языков и сегодня без его творчества немыслима ни российская, ни мировая литература Настоящий сборник рассказов Исаака Бабеля посвящен гражданской войне в России (1918 — 1922 гг ) Формат 140 х 185 мм Содержание История моей голубятни Первая любовь Любка Козак Шевелев Конец св Ипатия У батьки нашего Махно Ты проморгал, капитан! Иллюстрация Автор Исаак Бабель Исаак Эммануилович Бабель родился в Одессе, в семье торговца В пятнадцать лет окончил коммерческое училище; с 1911 по 1915 год учился в Киевском финансово-торговом институте До 1917 года жил в Петербурге В 1916 году напечатал два рассказа в.  Авторский сборник Антикварное издание Сохранность: Хорошая Издательство: ЗИФ, 1926 г Мягкая обложка, 78 стр Тираж: 8000 экз.

Первое прижизненное издание! Сборник рассказов о гражданской войне в России (1918-1922 гг ).
Полководцы Древней Руси артикул 2323a.
Полководцы Древней Руси артикул 2323a.

В ЖЗЛ вышли книги о выдающихся полководцах прошлого - Дмитрии Донском, Александре Невском, Александре Суворове, Михаиле Кутузове Сборник "Полководцы Древней Руси" продолжает овбшу биографическую летопись ратной славы нашей Родины, обращаясь к эпохе становления и расцвета Киевской Руси в X - начале XII века, к победам Святослава и Владимира Мономаха Авторы Вадим Каргалов Вадим Викторович Каргалов родился родился 29 апреля 1932 года Профессор кафедры истории Московского государственного университета культуры Доктор исторических наук Академик РАЕН (1992) Председатель совета по историко-художественной литературе Андрей Сахаров.  Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей.

Portraits of Bartolomeo Veneto артикул 2325a.
Portraits of Bartolomeo Veneto артикул 2325a.

Book DescriptionThis is the first English language monograph on Bartolomeo Veneto (c 14801531), who worked in Northern Italy in an area bounded by Venice and Milan The art made in this region is characterized by an intensity and richness arising from the various artistic personalities that enlivened the period and the vitality of exchanges овбшц that linked artists from widely separated cultural areas An analysis of Bartolomeos works allows one to observe the vivid atmosphere of the period Specializing in portraiture, he moved often to satisfy the demands of his clientele in the small and large courts in the Veneto, Emilia, and the Lombardy regions of the Po Valley Over the course of his career, from his earliest dated painting in 1502 until his death, presumably in 1531, he produced a remarkable body of work Characteristic of Bartolomeo Veneto is an interest in a refined rendering of details, particularly of clothing, and the inclusion of symbolic elements This symbolismunderstandable by only a select fewrefers to the moral, philosophical, or even political ideals of the person depicted and reflects the cultivated society of the clients for whom the artist worked Of particualr interest are his portraits and works that fall midway between conventional portraiture and representations of a symbolic, mythological, or religious nature On the one hand, he was able to synthesize diverse stylistic tendencies On the other, he was able to capture nuances of his subjects personalities Despite the remarkable quality of many of his paintings, he was not mentioned by historical sources, and he remains one of the least-studied and most mysterious of the 16-century Italian painters He was rediscovered in the middle of the 19th century, when several of his signed and dated paintings were acquired by European museums.  2003 г 68 стр ISBN 1879067064.

Поль Робсон артикул 2327a.
Поль Робсон артикул 2327a.

Книга рассказывает о жизни и творчестве видного деятеля мировой культуры, мужественного борца за демократию и мир Поля Робсона Биография показана на широком фоне социальной овбшы и политической жизни США и период с конца XIX века до наших дней Автор Владимир Зимянин.  Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей.

Vadim Voinov A convoluted monograph артикул 2329a.
Vadim Voinov A convoluted monograph артикул 2329a.

Перед тобой, дорогой читатель, весьма необычная книга Необычен уже сам ее жанр - монография-конволют ( проще говоря - сборник) То есть герой - один, а авторов - много, даже очень много овбщж Тексты обязаны своим возникновением именно этой книге и появлялись независимо друг от друга Никто не знал заранее, о чем и как пишут коллеги Предлагаемую книгу можно рассматривать как антологию современной петербургской критики В ней оказались собранными едва ли не все возрасты, ориентации, стили, манеры, жанры и приемы Историки, критики, философы, писатели Воинов оказался фигурой "общепримиряющей" - писать о нем интересно было всем Одни авторы объявляют Вадима Воинова хранителем памяти, другие - ее разрушителем Одни полагают, что он возвращает нам подлинную историю, другие отказывают ему в "историчности" - по их мнению, художник утверждает тотальное отсутствие истории Одни авторы ищут разгадку воиновского творчества в его связях с поп-артом, другие - с советской детской литературой 1920-х годов Одни считают его радикальным, другие - старомодным Часть текстов подчеркнуто серьезна, проникнута пафосом, часть написана с явной иронией Foreword The book you are holding, dear reader, is highly unusual It is unusual from the point of view of genre, being as it is a kind of convoluted monograph (or, more simply, a collection) In other words, the protagonist is one, but the authors are many; strikingly many The texts owe their existence to this book and have appeared independently of one another No one knew beforehand what and how his or her colleague would write on the subject; this, it seems to me, is what makes this collective narrative so fundamentally intriguing Exceptions, completely justfiable, to this principle of anonymity are two earlier published articles, though even these have been, as it is called, "reworked and expanded " These are articles by Alexander Borovsky and Irina Karasik (I refer here to myself in the third person ) This has allowed us, in the first place, to include the two publications which form the foundation of work devoted to Voinov`s creative activity: the album "Bridge Over the River Styx" and the catalogue "The Exodus of Things " The word "convolution" presupposes an inventory of existing knowledge, and it is for this reason that the book includes certain kinds of commentary-a survey of the most interesting and significant publications about the artist In the second place, in these "recycled" texts the authors and the artist himself formulate their fundamental positions, their basic ideas In the space of the book, these articles acquire another context altogether, a context that ensures certain points of rest within the dialogical field that opens up here Consciously or unconsciously, the "new authors" take account of these already existingjudgments and evaluations, sometimes elaborating or continuing them, and sometimes taking issue with them This book might be seen as an anthology of contemporary Petersburg criticism Between its covers, one finds represented virtually all ages, orientations, styles, mannerisms, genres and artistic devices The range is vast-adherents of traditional approaches in art criticism, the museum establishment, radical artistic youth historians, critics, philosophers, writers Voinov proved to be a figure of "general reconciliation " Writing about him appealed to everyone; they responded eagerly to the opportunity and others took the initiative themselves when they got word of the project Certain authors hail Vadim Voinov as someone who preserves and protects memory, while others claim that he destroys it; some consider him to be an artist, capable of animating an inert thing, awakening its soul, revealing its connection to human beings Others, on the contrary, see in him a grave-digger who sings praises to dead nature Some assume that he restores to us an authentic history; others would deny him any historicity at all In their judgment, the artist asserts the total absence of history Some authors search for the key to Voinov`s creative work in his affinities with pop-art; others with Soviet children`s literature of the 1920s There are those who stress his connections to the avant-garde, and those who point out his connections with the Russian literary tradition and 19th century historical painting Some consider him to be a radical; others find him old-fashioned A number of the texts are emphatically serious in tone, imbued with pathos Certain others are patently ironic.  2002 г 224 стр ISBN 5-93630-196-6 Формат: 60x90/8 (~220х290 мм).

Flying: Practical Training for Intermediates (Notes 1997-2002) артикул 2331a.
Flying: Practical Training for Intermediates (Notes 1997-2002) артикул 2331a.

Book DescriptionThough mankind has made many advances in the past few centuries, we have not quite mastered the art of flying, certainly not to the extent that birds have Thus Luca Buvoli's notes and research and diagrams on the art of flying are greatly appreciated, especially this uniquely assembled artist's book, in which he offers tips for the овбщч intermediate flyer Afterword Stuart Harodner Hardcover, 8 75 x 12 in , 50 pages, 29 color, 54 b/w illustrations.  2003 г 50 стр ISBN 0615122124.

Прянишников артикул 2333a.
Прянишников артикул 2333a.

Автор рассказывает об удивительном человеке, усидчивом лабораторном умельце, ученике Тимирязева и профессоре Сельскохозяйственной академии имени К А Тимирязева Дмитрии овбъа Николаевиче Прянишникове Раскол в сельскохозяйственной науке, произошедший во времена культа личности Сталина, разделил Прянишникова и Вильямса, бывших друзей и сокурсников, сделав их добрым и злым гением отечественного земледелия Автор Олег Писаржевский.  Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей.

Столетие города Гатчины (1796 - 1896), в двух томах артикул 2335a.
Столетие города Гатчины (1796 - 1896), в двух томах артикул 2335a.

Редкость Юбилейное издание 1896 год, издание Гатчинского Дворцового Управления Типо-Литография Д Семенюкова, Санкт-Петербург С цветным гербом города в первом томе, планами овбъж и диаграммами Типографские переплеты с золотым тиснением Сохранность хорошая Весь труд собранных сведений о Гатчине заключает в себе два отдельных тома: в первом помещены исторические сведения; том второй заключает в себе статистические сведения, характеризующие современное состояние жилищ и населения Гатчины Издание не подлежит вывозу за пределы Российской Федерации Уважаемые дамы и господа! Если Вы желаете получить дополнительную информацию о данном издании, напишите или позвоните нам, и мы ответим на все Ваши вопросы Связаться с экспертом Интернет-магазина "Озон" можно по тел (812) 320-88-22 или написав e-mail на адрес nberezhnaya@ozon ru Мы будем рады предоставить Вам всю необходимую информацию! Что внутри? Оглавление 1 тома 1 | 2 Оглавление 2 тома 1 | 2 Введение 1 тома 1 | 2 | 3 Введение 2 тома 1 Иллюстрации.  Антикварное издание Сохранность: Хорошая Издательство: Типо-Литография Д Семенюкова, 1896 г Твердый переплет, 858 стр.

СТАРАЯ ЦЕНА - 254 500 руб НОВАЯ ЦЕНА - 178 150 руб.
Петр Смородин артикул 2337a.
Петр Смородин артикул 2337a.

Книга рассказывает о жизни секретаря ЦК РКСМ Петра Смородина С именем П Смородина связана героическая деятельность РКСМ в годы гражданской войны и перехода к мирному строительству овбъй В книге представлены иллюстрации Автор Владимир Архангельский.  Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей.

Пуанкаре артикул 2339a.
Пуанкаре артикул 2339a.

Книга доктора физико-математических наук А А Тяпкина и кандидата физико-математических наук А С Шибанова посвящена выдающемуся французскому ученому Анри Пуанкаре, оставившему овбъо фундаментальные труды практически во всех отраслях точного естествознания конца XIX -начала XX века Именно в его работах была сформулирована специальная теория относительности, он обосновал математический аппарат небесной механики, создал качественную теорию дифференциальных уравнений, заложил основы топологии Авторы Алексей Тяпкин Анатолий Шибанов.  Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей.

Публицисты 1860-х годов артикул 2341a.
Публицисты 1860-х годов артикул 2341a.

Эта книга о публицистах, чья творческая судьба была связана с революционно-демократическим журналом "Русское слово" (1859-1866) - Г Благосветове, В Зайцеве, Н Соколове Издание овбъу второе, исправленное и дополненное Автор Феликс Кузнецов.  Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей.

Пятницкий артикул 2343a.
Пятницкий артикул 2343a.

"…О Пятницкий - один из выдающихся знатоков международного рабочего движения и, без сомнения, самый основательный знаток коммунистических партий", - так охарактеризовала овбыб своего близкого друга и соратника по работе Бела Кун О Пятницкий в течение четырнадцати лет был одним из руководителей Коммунистического Интернационала с 1921 по 1935 год включительно Учеба профессионального революционера под руководством Ленина сказывается в каждой детали его работы, который, подавляя даже видимость всего личного, всегда с крайней скромностью обслуживает товарищей и организации, которыми он с величайшей осмотрительностью , с учетом всех обстоятельств твердой и уверенной рукой руководит Автор Владимир Дмитревский.  Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей.

Medieval Vision (The Visual Culture of Wales) артикул 2345a.
Medieval Vision (The Visual Culture of Wales) артикул 2345a.

Book DescriptionFocusing on Welsh history between the collapse of Roman domination and the 16th-century Renaissance, this text explores how economic, political, and religious forces generated many surprising and original Christian images This volume describes how the cycles of the lives of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and the Saints provided овбые a framework for everyday life and art More than 450 images and artifacts, located in churches throughout Wales, are reproduced in full color, revealing a startling richness of imagery surviving in Wales from the Middle Ages.  2004 г 288 стр ISBN 0708318010.

Alexis Rockman: Manifest Destiny артикул 2347a.
Alexis Rockman: Manifest Destiny артикул 2347a.

Book DescriptionAlexis Rockman's Manifest Destiny translates into haunting yet inspiring simplicity the environmental crisis of global warming In conjunction with the opening of the Brooklyn Museum's new entrance pavilion in April 2004, the distinguished American artist Rockman (born 1962) was commissioned to paint a visionary 8-by-24-foot овбыи mural about the distant future boroughs Rockman's project suggests what geological, botanical, and zoological changes might transpire in the ecosystem of the area thousands or even millions of years ahead Believing that the past provides clues to the future, Rockman drew from the museum's historical paintings collection for source material, including such works as Albert Bierstadt's A Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Mt Rosalie (1866), a monumental Hudson River School landscape The artist is also not without humor--humans may have drowned Brooklyn, but the world survives, and here and there, life's indomitable spirit prevails On top of a floating oil drum, its antennae rapt with attention, is that ineradicable symbol of eternity--the cockroach This book looks at preliminary drawings and research by the artist for Manifest Destiny and contains a full-color foldout image of the mural Edited by Sheri Pasquarella Essay by Maurice Berger Foreword by Arnold Lehman and Robert F Kennedy Jr Hardcover, 8 5 x 10 5 in /32 pgs / 26 color and 11 b&w.  2005 г 32 стр ISBN 0872731510.

The Blue Jean Book: The Story Behind the Seams артикул 2349a.
The Blue Jean Book: The Story Behind the Seams артикул 2349a.

Book DescriptionThe story of denim's rise from modest workpants to high-fashion statement Ever since Levi Strauss made the first blue jean pants in California in the 1870s, everyone has wanted a pair No one imagined America's love of denim would travel around the world, yet jeans remain an essential part of our lives The Blue Jean Book chronicles овбын this love affair Researchers suggest we're happiest when we're in our jeans They express our personalities: compare the person who wears the latestdesigner label to someone who prefers the thrift store variety The Blue Jean Book takes you deep into the world of denim Chapters include: - The Birth of the Blues: 1870 to 1900 -- Levi Strauss and the origin of jeans - Movers and Shakers: 1900 to 1940 -- From workpants to play pants - Blue Jean Time Machine: 1940 to 1970 -- From WWII wear to the trademark of teen rebellion - The Jean Scene: 1980s -- Jeans go designer - Borderless Blues: 1990s -- The politics of pants: sweatshops, ecological impacts - Panting for Perfection -- 21st century jeans From their origins with hardscrabble miners and cowboys, to their popularity among laborers, rebels, and the incurably hip, The Blue Jean Book is the perfect fit for anyone who wants to know the story behind the seams.  2005 г 79 стр ISBN 155037916X.

Painting Summer in New England артикул 2351a.
Painting Summer in New England артикул 2351a.

With its stunning coastlines, mountains, lakes, forests, and scenic villages, New England has been an inspiration for American artists since the 19th century This lively book considers the ways in which painters have responded to the region’s summer beauty as well as to its social and cultural preoccupations and characteristics Works by such овбых artists as Fitz Henry Lane, John Singer Sargent, Winslow Homer, Maurice Prendergast, Marsden Hartley, Edward Hopper, Hans Hofmann, Andrew Wyeth, Alex Katz, and Yvonne Jacquette depict subjects as wide ranging as the bucolic delights of farms and fields to the atmospheric light of New England’s rugged coasts to the ethnic and social diversity of urban street life Painting Summer in New England highlights the various styles and influences revealed in these works, including photographic realism, Impressionism, Expressionism, and abstraction In addition, Trevor Fairbrother discusses the tremendous array of works covered by the concept of “painting” and the remarkable richness of thematic imagery that can be seen and understood as “New England ” This engaging book is a delightful and invaluable resource for those who live in or are admirers of New England and American art.  2006 г Твердый переплет, 134 стр ISBN 0300116926.

Robert Lehman Lectures on Contemporary Art (Robert Lehman Lectures on Contemporary Art) артикул 2353a.
Robert Lehman Lectures on Contemporary Art (Robert Lehman Lectures on Contemporary Art) артикул 2353a.

Book DescriptionFinally Available~Since 1992, Dia has presented the Robert Lehman Lectures on Contemporary Art Like the Foundation's "Discussions in Contemporary Culture" symposia series, the Lehman lectures are an example of Dia's ongoing commitment tocross-disciplinary critical and intellectual discourse The long-term, овбыш often site-specific, exhibitions at Dia offer a fertile space for discussion ~Edited by Lynne Cooke and Karen Kelly, together with Bettina Funcke, this second volume of collected theoretical and critical essays are by a multidisciplinary group of lecturers, and are focused on the exhibitions mounted at Dia from 1995 through 1998 Nine diverse contributors range in scope from art historian David Sylvester and philosopher Sarat Maharaj to architectural theoretician Beatriz Colomina, from philosopher Mark Taylor to fiction writer and cultural critic Marina Warner These writers, among others, take on the challenges of illuminating, analyzing, and exploring the work of a disparate group of internationally recognized artists, including Alighiero e Boetti, Jessica Stockholder, Gerhard Richter, Juan Muñoz, Fred Sandback, and Andy Warhol Together, the essays in this book present a broad-based account of contemporary artistic practice, criticism, scholarship, and theory Edited by Lynne Cooke, Karen Kelly Bettina Funcke ~Essays by Beatriz Colomina, Juan Maidagan, Dave Hickey, Michael Newman, Robert Farris Thompson, David Sylvester and Marina Warner ~Foreword by Michael Govan Paperback, 5 5 x 8 in /200 pgs / 18 color and 100 b & w.  2005 г 220 стр ISBN 0944521789.

Pots of Promise: Mexicans and Pottery at Hull-House, 1920-40 (Latinos in Chicago and the Midwest) артикул 2355a.
Pots of Promise: Mexicans and Pottery at Hull-House, 1920-40 (Latinos in Chicago and the Midwest) артикул 2355a.

Book Description Exploring the untold stories of Hull-House arts programs in the 1920s and 1930s and the pottery program at the commercial Hull-House Kilns, Pots of Promise also addresses the story of Mexicans in Chicago and the history of Hull-House in the years when Jane Addams increasingly turned her attention beyond the settlement house she овбыэ had co-founded This book is the first on the Hull-House Kilns; it examines Mexicans in the Hull-House colonia, Chicago's largest Mexican settlement Pots ofPromise includes 131 color and black-and-white photographs, many of them previously unpublished, and four essays: "Bringing Art to Life: The Practice of Art at Hull-House" by Peggy Glowacki; "Incorporating Reform and Religion: Mexican Immigrants, Hull-House, and the Church" by David A Badillo; "Shaping Clay, Shaping Lives: The Hull-House Kilns" by Cheryl R Ganz; and "Forging a Mexican National Identity in Chicago: Mexican Migrants and Hull-House" by Rick A Lpez.  2004 г 168 стр ISBN 0252028945.

Bathers, Bodies, Beauty: The Visceral Eye (The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures) артикул 2357a.
Bathers, Bodies, Beauty: The Visceral Eye (The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures) артикул 2357a.

To the eye of some viewers, Renoir's Great Bathers are the very picture of female sensuality and beauty To others, they embody a whole tradition of masculine mastery and feminine display Yet others find in the bathers a feminine fantasy of bodily liberation The points of view are many, various, occasionally startling--and through them, Linda Nochlin овбыя explores the contradictions and dissonances that mark experience as well as art Her book--about art, the body, beauty, and ways of viewing--confronts the issues posed in representations particularly of the female body in the art of impressionists, modern masters, and contemporary realists and post-modernists Nochlin begins by focusing on the painterly preoccupation with bathing, whether at the beach, in lakes and rivers, in public swimming pools, or in bathtubs In discussions of Renoir, Manet, Cezanne, Bonnard, and Picasso, of late-twentieth-century and contemporary artists such as Philip Pearlstein, Alice Neel, and Jenny Saville, of grotesque imagery, the concept of beauty, and the body in realism, she develops an interpretive collage incorporating the readings of differing, strong-willed, female viewpoints Among these is, of course, Nochlin's own, a vantage point subtly charted here through a longtime engagement with art, art history, and artists In many ways a personal book, Bathers, Bodies, Beauty brings to bear a lifetime of looking at, teaching, talking about, wrestling with, loving, and hating art to reveal and complicate the lived and felt--the visceral--experience of art.  2006 г Твердый переплет, 352 стр ISBN 0674021169.

Рылеев артикул 2359a.
Рылеев артикул 2359a.

Издание 1982 года Сохранность хорошая Эта книга - биография К Ф Рылеева, выдающегося представителя декабристской поэзии и одного из основных деятелей Северного общества Автор овбье показывает окружение Рылеева, говорит об общественных проблемах России первой четверти XIX века, которые нашли отражение в литературной и политической деятельности поэта-декабриста Автор Виктор Афанасьев.  Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей.

Cristiano Pintaldi артикул 2361a.
Cristiano Pintaldi артикул 2361a.

Book DescriptionLike a TV screen, Cristiano Pintaldi's paintings are alchemies of color in which the tonalities of red, green, and blue, on a black canvas, construct pictures recognizable only from a distance Confronting the powerful, persuasive images of mass media, Pintaldi references realities that are not part of ordinary experience but овбьх that variously exist as media events: aliens, pygmies, lightnight, the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers, and Big Brother Edited by Costantino D'Orazio Essays by Ludovico Pratesi, Gianfranco Maraniello and Cristiano Pintaldi Paperback, 10 5 x 8 25 in 64 pages, 24 color illustrations.  2003 г 64 стр ISBN 888158395X.

Jules Flandrin 1871-1947: The Other Fin-De-Siecle артикул 2363a.
Jules Flandrin 1871-1947: The Other Fin-De-Siecle артикул 2363a.

Book DescriptionJules Flandrin (1871-1947) was a pupil of Gustave Moreau, one of the most prominent figures in the fin-de-siecle art world, and a close member of the group which included Matisse, George Rouault, and Albert Marquet: artists who helped to shape the course of modern art Flandrin was a significant force amongst these innovators Widely овбью shown in Paris in the first years of the twentieth century, on the eve of the First World War he was hailed as one of the torchbearers of lart vivant Illustrated exclusively from private collections in Paris and Grenoble, this book provides a unique study of Flandrins work in the context of the innovations which influenced him, and which he, in turn, inspired By considering Flandrin as deeply emblematic of his age, the book invites us to think about why artists like Flandrin have disappeared from histories of modern art; about identities of "avant-gardism" in a period of enormous transition; and about the larger forces which helped to create our image of early twentieth-century art.  2003 г 160 стр ISBN 9040095337.

A History of Italian Art in 20th Century артикул 2365a.
A History of Italian Art in 20th Century артикул 2365a.

Book Description The volume traces a panorama, one never before observed, of the last century of Italian art within a "global" framework, choosing, that is, the most distanced and wide-ranging perspective in order to be the most all-inclusive outsideItaly and outside Europe Furthermore, the historical line followed is also one of овбэг the first for Italian art to take account of the postmodern revolution and to follow every step of the alternating supremacies of modernity and antimodernity in theartistic research from 1900 to 2000 It is therefore shown that Italian art sometimes presents itself as homogeneous with international avant-garde and neo-avant-garde movements, sometimes as dishomogeneous, recovering a specificity drawn from itsown prestigious cultural past, with foundations distinct from its historical present.  2003 г 360 стр ISBN 8884912598.

Сальвадор Альенде артикул 2367a.
Сальвадор Альенде артикул 2367a.

Книга известного советского ученого И Р Лаврецкого рассказывает о героическом пути славного сына чилийского народа, лауреата международной Ленинской премии "За укрепление овбэи мира между народами" Сальвадора Альенде Имя Сальвадора Альенде стало символом бесстрашного революционера, преданного идеалам демократии и отдавшего свою жизнь за дело народа Автор Иосиф Григулевич Иосиф Ромуальдович Григулевич (настоящая фамилия - Григулявичус) родился 5 мая 1913 года в Вильно (ныне - Вильнюс), в семье фармацевта Кроме родного, идиш, с детства владел также литовским, русским и польским языками С 1922 г учился в гимназии.  Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей.

Ahead of the 21st Century: The Pisces Collection артикул 2369a.
Ahead of the 21st Century: The Pisces Collection артикул 2369a.

Book DescriptionDamien Hirst's Alone Yet Together, a pseudoscientific installation of fish suspended in formaldehyde in small, identical glass boxes, graces the cover of this volume As the singular image selected to represent the Pisces Collection, it demands some exploration of wordplay Pisces is, after all, the zoological term for fish овбэм and also the name of a zodiac sign--the astrological sign, as it happens, of the collection's anonymous owner Devoted to contemporary art from the 1980sonward, the Pisces Collection takes not an encyclopedic approach but a focused one, concentrating on representing the work of a relatively small group of artists in depth For the first time, 150 pieces from this very valuable collection are presented tothe international public, featuring work by John M Armleder, Ross Bleckner, George Condo, Wim Delvoye, Fischli & Weiss, Sylvie Fleury, Andreas Gursky, Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons, Paul McCarthy, Mariko Mori, Jack Pierson, Richard Prince, Ugo Rondinone, Thomas Ruff, David Salle, Cindy Sherman, Thomas Struth, Rosemarie Trockel, Franz West, and Christopher Wool Highlights from the 80s include Prince's My Name and Koons's Encased Five Rows; the 90s are represented through photographic works by Sherman and Gursky, alongside Struths's Paradise 2 (Pilgrim Sands) Hirst's Something solid beneath the surface of several creatures great and small, with its use of live and dead animals, is one of the collection's more controversial pieces Artists Include: Andreas Gursky, Paul McCarthy, Jeff Koons, Margrit Brehm, Franz West, , Rosemarie Trockel, John M Armleder, Ross Bleckner, George Condo, Wim Delvoye, Fischli / Weiss, Sylvie Fleury, Damien Hirst, Thomas Struth, Mariko Mori, Cindy Sherman and Richard Prince amongst others Edited by Simon de Pury and Daniella Luxembourg Introduction by Margrit Brehm Hardcover, 11 75 x 11 75 in , 216 pages, 180 color illustrations.  2003 г 216 стр ISBN 3775712518.

Oils (The Painter's Corner Series) артикул 2371a.
Oils (The Painter's Corner Series) артикул 2371a.

Book Description The Painters Corner is a series of profusely illustrated art instruction manuals They can be used as informal self-teaching courses by ambitious amateur artists or as textbooks and reference sources in art and design classes Each book presents exercises intended to improve and refine students proficiency in different овбэу art subjects and media Each title recommends artists tools and supplies as well as providing instruction in techniques Instruction in this book includes mixing pigments, brushing methods, and application of techniques to portraits, landscapes, seascapes, still lifes, and more.  2003 г 96 стр ISBN 0764155598.

Подвойский артикул 2318a.
Подвойский артикул 2318a.

Книга рассказывает о жизни и деятельности Н И Подвойского - активного участника трех российских революций, одного из организаторов Октябрьского вооруженного восстания овбчщ Н И Подвойский занимал высшие военные должности в период защиты завоеваний революции, стоял у истоков зарождения Красной гвардии и регулярной Красной Армии, являлся членом реввоенсоветов ряда фронтов в годы гражданской войны, руководил Всевобучем, был одним из инициаторов физкультурного движения в нашей стране Автор Николай Степанов.  Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей.

Art of Renaissance Rome 1400-1600 (Perspectives) (Trade Version) артикул 2320a.
Art of Renaissance Rome 1400-1600 (Perspectives) (Trade Version) артикул 2320a.

Amazon comLoren Partridge is no newcomer to art of the Renaissance or the art of Italy, with a list of books to his credit that includes Michelangelo: The Sistine Ceiling, Rome, Arts of Power: Three Halls of State in Italy, 1300-1600, and Renaissance Likeness: Art and Culture in Raphael's Julius II His latest, The Art of Renaissance Rome makes use овбшд of unexpected chapters headings to guide the reader along on an exploration of the arts of Rome between 1400 and 1600 This opulent collection of work is further enhanced by maps, artist and royal family histories, chronologies, biographical dictionaries and brief, but telling, artist histories.  2003 г 184 стр ISBN 0131833405.

Italian Ate: Art & Italian Cooking артикул 2322a.
Italian Ate: Art & Italian Cooking артикул 2322a.

Book DescriptionThis enticing book blends recipes for traditional Italian dishes with large reproductions of Italian paintings The timelessness of their food is a fundamental quality of Italian cuisine From insalata de funghi (mushroom salad), pomodoriripieni (tomatoes filled with green sauce), conchiglia dei pellegrini (salad of marinated овбшм scallops with orange), ossobuco alla Milanese (Milan-style stewed veal shanks), and picatte al Marsala (veal scaloppine with Marsala), to pasche ripiene (Amaretti filled peaches), Italian Ate is filled with recipes for foods linked to that tradition The recipes are highlighted by color photographs of the finished dishes and are accompanied by paintings by Caravaggio, Tiepolo, Canaletto, Bellotto, and many others.  2003 г 64 стр ISBN 0642541124.

Art of the Renaissance Bronze : The Robert H Smith Collection, Expanded Edition артикул 2324a.
Art of the Renaissance Bronze : The Robert H Smith Collection, Expanded Edition артикул 2324a.

Book Description This second and expanded edition of Bronzes 1500-1600, published in 1992, contains further major acquisitions which have greatly enhanced the collection This book serves at once as a catalogue of one of the finest private collections of such ronzes ever formed and as an introduction to the artists who made such sculptures, the овбшф subjects they represent, the purposes some of the works originally served and the settings for which some of them were made A separate essay provides a lucid account of the ways in which the sculptures were modelled, cast, assembled, tooled and colored.  2005 г 320 стр ISBN 0856675903.

Battle of the Nudes: Pollaiuolo's Renaissance Masterpiece артикул 2326a.
Battle of the Nudes: Pollaiuolo's Renaissance Masterpiece артикул 2326a.

Book DescriptionThis book celebrates Antonio Pollaiuoloís famous engraving, the Renaissance masterpiece Battle of the Nudes Related works in other media reveal the context in which it was created The study of early Italian engraving has long been a thorny one, dogged by lack of secure dates and documentation for most prints, as well as complicated овбшщ attribution issues Shelley Langdale reexamines Pollaiuoloís masterpiece in light of recent research and assembles crucial watermark and collectiondocumentation Antionio del Pollaiuolo (1431-1498) was a renowned Florentine painter, sculptor, draftsman, and goldsmith who was particularly admired for his dynamic and expressive portrayal of the human figure He carried out a wide range of projects, but a relatively small number of his works survive, and he is perhaps most widely known for his magnificent engraving, Battle of the Nudes The Cleveland Museum of Artís unique first state of the Battle of the Nudes has long been regarded as the exemplary early impression, printed before the plate began to wear and was supposedly re-engraved by another hand All other known impressions are second states, pulled from the reworked plate.  2003 г 86 стр ISBN 0940717735.

New Light On Old Masters артикул 2328a.
New Light On Old Masters артикул 2328a.

As the title suggests, eminent art historian Gombrich illuminates our understanding of familiar subjects from the Italian Renaissance, including Giotto, Leonardo, Raphael, Giulio Romano, and Michelangelo This notable volume marks the first appearance together of these nine essays and lectures One (on Michelangelo's cartoon in the British овбщв Museum) is previously unpublished and several have not appeared in English until now The compilation, recommended for scholarly collections, freshly interprets previously neglected or misunderstood texts and documents and speculates on topics about which volumes exist New Ed edition Автор Э Х Гомбрич E H Gombrich.  Издательство: Phaidon Press, 1994 г Мягкая обложка, 192 стр ISBN 0714829897.

The Lost Tapestries of the City of Ladies: Christine De Pizan's Renaissance Legacy артикул 2330a.
The Lost Tapestries of the City of Ladies: Christine De Pizan's Renaissance Legacy артикул 2330a.

Book DescriptionLike a particularly good detective story, this richly textured book follows tantalizing clues in its hunt for a group of missing artistic masterpieces Susan Bell recounts both her long search for a series of sixteenth-century tapestries that celebrated women and her efforts to understand their meaning for Queen Elizabeth I овбщп of England and the other powerful women who owned them Opening a new window on the lives of noblewomen in the Renaissance, the brilliantly colored tapestries that were the ultimate artistic luxury of the day, and the popular and influential fourteenth-century writer Christine de Pizan, Bell pursues a compelling tale that moves from centuries past to today The tapestries around which this story revolves are linked toChristine de Pizan's Book of the City of Ladies (1405), orginally published six hundred years ago in 1405 The book is a tribute to women that honors two hundred female warriors, scientists, queens, philosophers, and builders of cities Though twenty-five manuscripts of the City of Ladies still exist, references to tapestries based on the book are elusive Bell takes us along as she tracks down records of six sets of tapestries whose owners included Elizabeth I of England; Margaret of Austria; and Anne of Brittany, Queen of France Bell examines the intriguing details of these women's lives-their arranged marriages, their power, their affairs of state-asking what interest they had in owning these particular tapestries Could the tapestries have represented their thinking? As she reveals the historical, linguistic, and cultural aspects of this unique story, Bell also gives a fascinating account of medieval and early-Renaissance tapestry production and of Christine de Pizan's remarkable life and legacy Illustrations: 8 color illustrations, 17 b/w photographs, 1 map, 1 table.  2004 г 254 стр ISBN 0520234103.

A History of Japan, 1582-1941 : Internal and External Worlds артикул 2332a.
A History of Japan, 1582-1941 : Internal and External Worlds артикул 2332a.

Book DescriptionDistinctive overview of the internal and external pressures responsible for the emergence of modern Japan Download DescriptionThis book offers a distinctive overview of the internal and external pressures responsible for the making of modern Japan Louis Cullen rejects western historiography which, he argues, is based on овбщщ a reluctance to accept that an eastern country could equal the west Instead he shows that this was not a country in progressive economic and social crisis before 1868 but a highly-developed economy led by highly-rational policymakers He shows how when an external threat emerged after 1793 the country became on balance more open rather than more oppressive and that Japan displayed remarkable success in negotiation with the western powers in 1853-68 and realism in relations with them thereafter In the twentieth century, however, armed forces imperfectly controlled by the 1889 constitution and alarm at encroaching western and American interests in Asia and the Pacific ledto an abandonment of realism and to nemesis in China and the Pacific.  1905 г Мягкая обложка ISBN 0521529182.

Piero della Francesca and His Legacy артикул 2334a.
Piero della Francesca and His Legacy артикул 2334a.

Although overlooked for centuries, Piero della Francesca is now regarded as the supreme early Renaissance artist Discover his unprecedented use of landscape and his naturalistic portraiture The DK ArtBook series presents both the life and works of each artist within the cultural, social, and political context of their time To make the books овбъг easy to consult, they are divided into three areas -- the life and works of the artist, historical and cultural background, and analysis of major works -- which are identifiable by side bands Each spread focuses on a specific theme, with an introductory text and several annotated illustrations Few art history texts contain such abundance of full-color illustrations The index section is also illustrated and gives background information on key figures and the location of the artist's works Автор Мэрилин Аронберг Лавин Marilyn Aronberg Lavin.  Издательство: NGW-Stud Hist Art, 1998 г Твердый переплет, 328 стр ISBN 0300077114.

Flowers Into Art: Floral Motifs in European Painting and Decorative Arts артикул 2336a.
Flowers Into Art: Floral Motifs in European Painting and Decorative Arts артикул 2336a.

Редактор: Vibeke Woldbye For centuries flowers have been a popular motif in various branches of art Their sheer beauty, whether or not combined with symbolic meaning, continues to serve as an inexhaustible source of inspiration for countless artists The use of flower motifs in art often coincided with developments in the field of botany овбъи Thus the emergence of botany as a precise science in the sixteenth century and the resulting botanical works led to the genesis of a new genre in painting, the flower still life Thanks to the classification system developed by Linnaeus in the eighteenth century all plants could be named; gardens were laid out, flowers became fashionable and roses in particular made their appearance on clothing, silver, furniture and ceramics Flowers continued to remain a favourite motif as is witnessed by the romantic expressions in the Biedermeier period or the 'natural' ornaments of Art Nouveau Flowers play a role in our time as well, from the banal examples in Pop Art to symbols of love during the Flower Power period Издание на английском языке Иллюстрации.  Издательство: Sdu Pablishers, 1991 г Мягкая обложка, 208 стр ISBN 9061791405.

John Lurie: Learn to Draw артикул 2338a.
John Lurie: Learn to Draw артикул 2338a.

A book of funny, strange, enraged, grotesque, brilliant and affectionate drawings by jazz musician and actor John Lurie Although Lurie has been making his naughty and often Surrealistic drawings for 20 years, it was not until 2004 that he began to exhibit them--and then to instant acclaim In 2005, the New York Times critic Roberta Smith wrote, "music's loss овбън may turn out to be art's gain " In Learn to Draw, 65 black-and-white line drawings are printed across from enigmatically hilarious descriptive titles, such as "wolf serenading asses," "three car salesmen think about the same cat," or "Rose had a barn hat ".  Издательство: Walther Konig, Cologne, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 136 стр ISBN 3865600875.

Understanding Art : A Guide for Teachers артикул 2340a.
Understanding Art : A Guide for Teachers артикул 2340a.

Book Description In any area of the curriculum, children need to learn concepts, facts, and skills through first-hand experience In art, such learning depends on exploring and experimenting with the visual language through which artists communicate, and the visual elements such as line, color, and shape This book systematically explores the овбъс basic knowledge needed to do this effectively The author deals with the visual elements of art, their properties, how they are related, and especially the ways in which children's knowledge of each can be developed through simple but creative activities Each element is placed in context, with extensive cross-referencing The author shows how these elements can be observed in the children's environment and provides examples of how they have been used in works of art and craft Contents include: Art as exploration Point Line Tone Mixing and controlling color Perceiving and observing color Responding to color Shape Space Form Texture Pattern This accessible book does not assume any specialist knowledge or experience It is essential for teachers at primary and secondary levels, art coordinators, and for undergraduate and postgraduate level students of art education.  2003 г 184 стр ISBN 0761974784.

Croatia in the Early Middle Ages : A Cultural Survey артикул 2342a.
Croatia in the Early Middle Ages : A Cultural Survey артикул 2342a.

This volume presents 30 highly illustrated essays charting a cultural survey of Croatia from the 7th to the end of the 12th century Richly illustrated with colour plates, maps, plans, and diagrams, it provides a major new resource for all those seeking to gain a broad understanding of the medieval world in central Europe and the Adriatic region before овбъч the Ottoman invasions Since the mid-nineties, the republic of Croatia has taken its place among the independent nations of Europe, and its strong cultural identity is becoming better understood As a result, the Croatian academy of Sciences and Arts, based in Zagreb, has embarked on an ambitious five-volume history of Croatian culture, commissioning essays on the arts and sciences from over 100 leading specialists in the field Throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the relationship between Croatia and Western Europe was very close, with many important artists moving freely between them Visitors to Zagreb and the Dalmatian Coast have long enjoyed the opportunity of sampling the enormous wealth and variety of Croatian art and architecture, and these volumes make the achievements of this ancient but inadequately understood area of Europe readily accessible for the firsttime Автор Ivan Supicic.  Издательство: Philip Wilson Publishers, 2003 г Твердый переплет, 624 стр ISBN 0856674990.

Tilman Riemenschneider, c 1460-1531 артикул 2344a.
Tilman Riemenschneider, c 1460-1531 артикул 2344a.

Book DescriptionOne of the greatest sculptors of the later Middle Ages, Tilman Riemenschneider (c 1460-1531) struck a rare balance between formal elegance and expressive strength His sculpture is noted for such innovative qualities as the acknowledgment of the viewer's mobility, an exquisite finish, and the occasional abandonment of polychromy овбыв (painted and gilded decoration) While anchored in the late Gothic tradition, Riemenschneider's work also reflects the emerging humanist concerns of the period In this generously illustrated book, historians, art historians, and conservators from the United States, Germany, and Austria discuss Riemenschneider's art from various perspectives, addressing such issues as attribution, pictorial rhetoric, surface treatment, and critical reception As the companion volume to the catalogue of the exhibition on the sculptor held in Washington and New York in 1999 and 2000, this book sheds light not only on a master sculptor whose work is admired today as among the most appealing of his era, but also on the art and culture of the late Middle Ages and Central Europe.  2004 г 264 стр ISBN 0300101341.

SEURAT артикул 2346a.
SEURAT артикул 2346a.

The reserved, shy, yet strangely proud-seeming young painter Georges Seurat lived a secluded life in a small studio on the Boulevard de Clichy in Paris In comparison with other 19th-century artists such as Vincent van Gogh or Paul Gauguin, he led what appeared on the outside to be a rather uneventful life His passions could only be aroused on questions овбыж of art Then he would spend hours discussing his views on painting and expounding the most recent theories of colour and art, without which, he declared, a new style of painting could no longer get by His insistence presently made him one of the foremost figures of the new Parisian art scene which, during the 1880s, departed ever further from the old ideals of Impressionism - intuition and temperament - and sought new values in art The Impressionist masters such as Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir and Edgar Degas had in the meantime become part of the establishment Their style was even imitated, in a moderated form, in Salon circles The spontaneous, virtuoso and subjective approach of the Impressionists was no longer enough for many young painters; they sought scientific principles on which to base their art, and were therefore fascinated by Seurat's unconditional dedication to painting and his belief in verifiable rules which would give modern painting a new persuasive power Иллюстрации Автор Хайо Дюхтинг Hajo Duchting.  2005 г Мягкая обложка, 96 стр ISBN 3-8228-5863-3 Тираж: 3000 экз.

Heads and Portraits (The Painter’s Corner Series) артикул 2348a.
Heads and Portraits (The Painter’s Corner Series) артикул 2348a.

Book Description The newest title in this series for self-teaching or art class instruction analyzes every aspect of drawing and painting the human head Explaining methods for achieving correct proportions and proper placement of eyes, nose, mouth, and ears on the human head, the book also instructs on ways to render full-face, three-quarter овбык face, and profile portraits Informative illustrations point out features that distinguish the faces of children, adults and the aged, as well as differences marking masculine versus feminine features Using both photos and examples of great portrait art by famous painters, the authors instruct on effective ways to instill life and a variety of expressions into the human face Hundreds of illustrations, mostly in color.  2003 г 96 стр ISBN 0764156055.

Has Modernism Failed?, Second Edition артикул 2350a.
Has Modernism Failed?, Second Edition артикул 2350a.

Amazon comTwenty years ago, a noted art writer lobbed a hand grenade at the smug world of contemporary art In Has Modernism Failed?, Suzi Gablik castigated a culture in which total submission to "the big, powerful machine" of the art market replaced the artist's independent moral authority Modern art broke the old rules, creating subversive овбыр work intended to shock the viewer into a new way of seeing But consumer culture eventually co-opted shock value In Gablik's view, successful artists of the1970s and early '80s traded their autonomy for the money and security of "institutionalized individuality" offered by aggressive art dealers and museums increasingly reliant on corporate support Gablik argued that by losing its last vestige of belief inspiritual values, art also lost touch with society as a whole While praising the "spiritual dignity" of work by Anselm Kiefer and Josef Beuys, she viewed spiritual imagery in neo-expressionist paintings with suspicion How could artists who didn't actively believe in this imagery invest it with mythical power? In the revised edition of her book---which includes two new chapters---Gablik revisits the issue of moral vision in art She divides the post-9/11 art world into artists whose work promotes the materialism of Western culture and those few who have found a "socially redeeming purpose" for art Most controversially, she proposes that "the truly significant product of an artist is his life " Her highest praise goes to artists whose work consists of social service projects, whether attempting to feed the hungry or restore damaged ecosystems Worthy as these projects may be, Gablik's failure to address the aesthetic component of art undermines her views Her writing can be repetitive, and her arguments, too narrowly focused But her passion, fearlessness and inclusion of the diverse viewpoints of artists, critics, dealers and others make her book compelling reading -Cathy CurtisBook DescriptionIn 1984, Suzi Gablik's Has Modernism Failed? was one of the first books to confront the social situation of contemporary art In describing a world whose central aesthetic paradigm of modernism had lost its vitality, with an "avant-garde" that reflected the culture of consumerism, her book struck a chord in an audience that had once responded to the heroic idealism of modernism Reprinted many times, Has Modernism Failed? became one of the most popular and influential works of contemporary art criticism Now Gablik has revised and expanded her work to encompass developments over the last two decades A new prologue looks at changes in the cultural context of art, especially at the radical split between artists who still proclaim the self-sufficiency of art, "in defiance of the social good," and artists who want art to have some worthy agenda outside of itself In a new chapter, "Globalization," she looks at the ruthless cultural homogenization of a universal consumer society and how a number of artists and curators are challenging it And in a passionate new chapter called "Transdisciplinarity" she offers a way forward for individuals to break free of the limiting ideologies of modernism and consumerism and shows how some artists are reflecting both spiritual and social concerns intheir art.  2004 г 160 стр ISBN 0500284849.

The Manifesta Decade: Debates on Contemporary Art Exhibitions and Biennials in Post-Wall Europe артикул 2352a.
The Manifesta Decade: Debates on Contemporary Art Exhibitions and Biennials in Post-Wall Europe артикул 2352a.

Manifesta, the first itinerant European Biennial for Contemporary Art, emerged in a post-wall, globalizing Europe Founded in 1993, it organized traveling exhibitions aimed at providing a new framework for cultural exchange and collaboration between artists and curators from across the continent The Manifesta Decade marks Manifesta's ten овбыч years of exhibits with original essays, unpublished images, and texts that not only document the different Manifesta exhibits but also examine the cultural, curatorial, and political terrain of the Europe from which they sprang Including contributions from philosophers, historians, and anthropologists, interviews with architect Rem Koolhaas and historian Jacques Le Goff, and essays by such curators and writers as Okwui Enwezor, Boris Groys, Maria Hlavajova, and Hans Ulrich Obrist, the collection traces the cultural and political developments of Europe in the 1990s It reflects the debates incited by exhibitions such as Magiciens de la Terre, Documenta, and After the Wall and explores the changing roles of curators and artists in the new geo-political context The issues discussed include the effect of communism's collapse on Eastern Europe, the role of Biennials in the context of globalization, and the ephemerality of exhibitions versus the permanence of the museum The book's second section traces the history of Manifesta, from its conceptual foundations and contributions to artistic practices of the 1990s to the relationship of a roving Biennial to themes of multiculturalism, migration and diaspora At a moment when biennials continue to proliferate worldwide, The Manifesta Decade takes Manifesta as a case study to look critically at the landscape from which new exhibition paradigms have emerged The book's 100 images, both color and black and white, include unpublished installation shots of each Manifesta exhibition Copublished with Roomade, Brussels, in collaboration with the International Foundation Manifesta, Amsterdam.  2006 г Твердый переплет, 368 стр ISBN 0262220768.

Collage: The Making of Modern Art артикул 2354a.
Collage: The Making of Modern Art артикул 2354a.

"A masterful and lavishly illustrated landmark surveythe first to cover the history of collage in this much depth "Library Journal From the seminal moment in 1908 when the young Picasso took a piece of brown card pasted with a "Magasins du Louvre" label and converted it into a new kind of picture, collage has been at the овбыщ heart of modern art Indeed, in seeking to transform the discarded scraps and residues of everyday life, the technique found extraordinary new opportunities for subversive rupture, playful artifice, and surreal juxtaposition, together with a completely new conception of the work of art as a material thing Collage quickly became essential to the idea of the modern, leaving its mark on almost every art movement since, from Dada and Constructivism, via Surrealism, Pop, and Situationism, to the digital techniques of today This book, the first comprehensive survey of the technique, explores in full the theoretical implications and political messages behind the work of the past century, explaining how the process was intimately linked to other revolutions in art practice It covers the many offshoots of collage, including assemblage, montage, photomontage, and dA©collage Along the way it outlines a new vision of modern art springing from this most simple and democratic of techniques 206 illustrations, 91 in color.  2006 г Мягкая обложка, 224 стр ISBN 0500286094.

Русские писатели XVII века артикул 2356a.
Русские писатели XVII века артикул 2356a.

Впервые в серии "Жизнь замечательных людей" выходит книга о двух писателях, вернее, двух книжных деятелях древней русской литературы - Аввакуме Петрове и Симеоне Полоцком овбыю Авторы Дмитрий Жуков Русский писатель, критик, переводчик с английского и сербского языков Автор книг "Козьма Прутков и его друзья", "Алексей Константинович Толстой", рассказов "Рэм и Гений", "Случай на вулкане", "Колесо прогресса" Переводчик произведений А Азимова, Лев Пушкарев.  Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей.

Aikido: Living by Design артикул 2358a.
Aikido: Living by Design артикул 2358a.

Book DescriptionOne of America's foremost martial artists, Mitsugi Saotome, shares his work and thoughts on the arts, including sculpture, textile art, calligraphy, gardening, and cooking An over-sized, full-color book, Aikido Living by Design combines photos of Saotome's own artwork with his philosophical reflections on values in art овбьа and life Included, among other media in this beautifully-photographed compendium, are many photos of Saotome's * hand-sewn, wearable art clothing combining traditional Japanese kasuri fabric with denim and leather * works combining wood with stone and other materials, * works of Shodo, Japanese calligraphy Throughout, he offers his views on how Aikido's philosophy, which he learned as a disciple of the art's founder, applies to the basic questions of life.  2004 г 109 стр ISBN 0941736164.

Form (Creative Painting Series) артикул 2360a.
Form (Creative Painting Series) артикул 2360a.

Book Description Form is the first volume in a new art instruction series from Barrons focusing on several different approaches to creating imaginative, finished, highly professional paintings The titles in this series are designed for use by advanced students and experienced amateurs A paintings form is the element that lends it visual овбьй coherence, and form derives from combinations of shapes as simple as triangles, circles, and squares, or as complex as intersecting lines and overlapping irregular shapes intended to suggest motion, perspective, repose, or very many other qualities This title shows examples of still life, portraits, landscapes, water scenes, skies, and even abstract paintings, then analyzes these works, demonstrating in clear illustrations the fundamental shapes from which each painting is constructed Examples include works by famous artists, among them, Leonardo da Vinci, Joshua Reynolds, Vincent Van Gogh, Edvard Munch, Joan Miró, Wassily Kandinsky, and many others Vivid and instructive color illustrations on every page.  2004 г 160 стр ISBN 0764157795.

Watercolor Painting Made Easy: A Step-By-Step Guide With Drawing Templates : Includes 20 Projects артикул 2362a.
Watercolor Painting Made Easy: A Step-By-Step Guide With Drawing Templates : Includes 20 Projects артикул 2362a.

Book DescriptionFor anyone who's ever wanted to paint watercolor but lacked the expertise and practical know-how, Watercolor Painting Made Easy provides them with the basic instruction they need to paint with ease Featuring progressive exercises consistent with training from professional painters, this practical guide begins with basic овбьщ exercises--accompanied with traceable patterns--that focus on mixing color and brush stroke applications Ensuing exercises present the fundamentals of basic composition and drawing, and the varieties of color use and their applications Using practical, easy-to-follow exercises and proven techniques, Watercolor Painting Made Easy will help readers build their artistic confidence while providing a foundation for their later work.  2004 г 128 стр ISBN 0971401039.

Toward a Geography of Art артикул 2364a.
Toward a Geography of Art артикул 2364a.

Book Description Art history traditionally classifies works of art by country as well as period, but often political borders and cultural boundaries are highly complex and fluid Questions of identity, policy, and exchange make it difficult to determine the "place" of art, and often the art itself results from these conflicts of geography овбэа and culture Addressing an important approach to art history, Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann's book offers essays that focus on the intricacies of accounting for the geographical dimension of art history during the early modern period in Europe, Latin America, and Asia Toward a Geography of Art presents a historical overview of these complexities, debates contemporary concerns, and completes its exploration with a diverse collection of case studies Employing the author's expertise in a variety of fields, the book delves into critical issues such as transculturation of indigenous traditions, mestizaje, the artistic metropolis, artistic diffusion, transfer, circulation, subversion, and center and periphery What results is a foundational study that establishes the geography of art as a subject and forces us to reconsider assumptions about the place of art that underlie the longstanding narratives of art history.  2004 г 504 стр ISBN 0226133125.

In Detail: Barcelona Art Nouveau артикул 2366a.
In Detail: Barcelona Art Nouveau артикул 2366a.

Book DescriptionLondon is famous for Big Ben, Paris for the Eiffel Tower, and Rome for the Colosseum Barcelona, on the other hand, is associated not with one or two buildings but with the blossoming of an entire movement in art history called Modernism In Germany it was called Jugendstil; in Austria, Sezession; in Italy, Stile Liberty; and in France овбэж it was Art Nouveau An extraordinary period straddling the 19th and 20th centuries, Barcelona's brand of Art Nouveau wascharacterized by organic shapes and patterns integrated by all aspects of art and design The movement, along with its high craftsmanship, was interpreted to be a spontaneous reaction to the Industrial Revolution's trend of mass production Besides beinga survey of the most significant buildings by Domenech i Montaner, Antoni Gaudí, Josep Maria Jujol, and Puig i Cadafalch, this book also provides a detailed analysis of the forms created by the most important craftsmen of the period, many of whom have been relegated to anonymity for decades Edited by Lluis Permanyer Photographs by Melba Levick Hardcover, 9 75 x 11 5 in /184 pgs / 136 color.  2005 г 183 стр ISBN 8434310627.

ArtBasics : An Illustrated Glossary and Timeline артикул 2368a.
ArtBasics : An Illustrated Glossary and Timeline артикул 2368a.

Book Description A brief introduction to the basic terms, styles, and time periods, ARTBASICS is a handy reference for any beginning art student Presented with full-color fine art images and high quality line art depicting the styles and techniques discussed, it is useful for art history, art appreciation, humanities, and design courses A four-color овбэк world map and fold-out timeline are also included This handy supplement can be sold separately or bundled FREE with any new Wadsworth Art/Humanities textbook.  2004 г 32 стр ISBN 0534641016.

Сатпаев артикул 2370a.
Сатпаев артикул 2370a.

Издание 1980 года Сохранность очень хорошая Книга рассказывает о первом президенте АН КазССР К И Сатпаеве Сын степного кочевника, учитель, инженер-геолог, первооткрыватель овбэт огромных запасов медных руд в Джезказгане, К Сатпаев прошел путь от члена ревкома до заместителя Председателя Совета Союза Верховного Совета СССР Автор Медеу Сарсекеев.  Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей.

Medieval Mischief артикул 2372a.
Medieval Mischief артикул 2372a.

Book DescriptionThe art and architecture of the Middle Ages teem with humour Everywhere you look in medieval creations, there is the most unexpected, crazy and risque wit From the painting of a poacher roasted over a spit by a rabbit to an image of angels and devils weighing souls and both cheating, Janetta Benton has brought together some of the most овбэь delightful examples of medieval visual humour in a collection that will amuse and entertain anyone with a sense of the ridiculous.  2004 г 160 стр ISBN 0750927739.

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